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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


2008-2009, Rutgers Engineering Governing Council, Excellence in Teaching Award in Industrial Systems and Engineering

Professional Affiliations

Member of INFORMS

Selected Publications

•    An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Kernal Gursoy, Melike Baykal-Gursoy, Ayse Gursoy, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2015.
•    Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, “Security Games with Unknown Adversarial Strategies”, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, June 2015.
•    J. R. Herrero*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and A. Jaskiewicz, “Price-Setting Newsvendor under Mean-Variance Criterion”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 247:2, pp. 575-587, 2015.
•    Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, “Incorporating Attack-Type Uncertainty into Network Protection”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1278-1287, 2014.
•    M. Baykal-Gürsoy, Z. Duan*, H. V. Poor and A. Garnaev, “Infrastructure Security Games”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 239, No. 2, pp. 469-478, 2014.
•    Z. Duan* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “A Note on Stochastic Decomposition Results for Markov Modulated and Retrial Queues”, Special Issue on Retrial Queues, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research Vol. 31, No. 2, 2014.
•    Kocuk*, O. E. Sivrikaya*, and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Maintenance of Infinite-Server Service Systems subjected to Random Shocks”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 86-94, 2013.
•    Ozbay K. M. A., Iyigun* C., Baykal-Gürsoy M., and Xiao* W., “Probabilistic Programming Models for Traffic Incident Management Operations Planning,” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 203:1, pp. 1-18, 2013.
•    M. Baykal-Gürsoy, W. Xiao* and K. M. A. Ozbay, “Modeling Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents,” European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp. 127-138, 2009.
•    M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. Gürsoy. “Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria”, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 21:4, pp. 635-657, 2007.



•    Ph.D., Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
•    M.S., Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul, Turkey
•    B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul, Turkey



As director of the Laboratory for Stochastic Systems, Dr. Baykal-Gürsoy is doing research in the areas of modeling, optimization and control of stochastic systems, such as transportation, telecommunication and supply chain networks.  She is creating models that realistically represent complex phenomena such as traffic flow interrupted by incidents, or adversarial relationship between network attackers and protectors. She is developing stochastic optimization algorithms for adjustment of inventories and product price in supply chains; resource allocation in emergency management; dynamic traffic flow management under incidents, and for stochastic games applied to the infrastructure and network security problems. Dr. Baykal-Gürsoy is currently focusing on the analysis and mitigation of traffic congestion; and on Bayesian games for security.

Dr. Baykal-Gürsoy’s research has been supported through grants from NSF, UN, DOD, Rutgers TCC/FTA, Rutgers University Center for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response, and Rutgers Academic Excellence Fund. Her former student, W. Xiao, was a finalist in the 2004 Transportation Science and Logistics Section Dissertation Prize Competition.

Dr. Baykal-Gürsoy is the principle investigator of an award with Rutgers portion totaling $210,000 from the National Science Foundation.  This NSF grant will fund a collaborative research project –entitled, “Collaborative Research: Network Protection under Uncertainty”—which will employ integrated modeling and game theory to improve the security of populations under threat.