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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Blurred background of an industrial setting with an overlay of white line drawn graphic images of different engineering icons inside gears.

Graduate Admissions and Application Criteria


The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers offers in-person and online graduate degree programs for dynamic students at all stages of their academic and professional careers. Both our teaching and research are firmly rooted in scientific principles, and at the same time incorporate in-depth knowledge of problem areas, including manufacturing and production systems, quality and reliability engineering, and systems engineering.

Our objective is to solve complex, relevant engineering problems facing industry and the public sector today and in the future. Our graduate programs provide students with a strong technical background and prepare them for leadership careers in an exciting and challenging profession.

Two female students wearing black T-shirts standing on either side of a female faculty member wearing a yellow shirt, all wearing protective glasses looking at a computer monitor in a lab.

Graduate Degrees

We offer graduate degrees that reflect individual student goals from career advancement to research intensive. 

Master of Engineering Degree 

This degree is an excellent choice for professionals looking to enhance their career opportunities. This degree is relevant across a variety of industries from advanced manufacturing and healthcare to transportation, infrastructure, financial systems, and more.

This degree includes an on campus or fully online option.

Master of Science Degree

This degree provides advanced training in critical areas that span Industrial & Systems Engineering research areas of data science and optimization, stochastic systems, production and manufacturing and quality and reliability engineering.

Doctoral Degree

This degree trains students at the highest level to assume leadership roles in technical fields in research, academia, the public sector, and industry. 

BS/Master's Degree

The combined BS/MS and BS/ME program enables top Rutgers undergraduate engineering students to be accepted into our graduate programs in an expedited way. In addition, it gives those students the possibility to receive master's degree in a shortened time frame.

Certificate Programs

  • Manufacturing Informatics
  • Energy Systems
Professor wearing a dark blue suit and light blue open collared shirt, talks with four students around a round table. The students include on female, sitting to the professors left with long black hair and a white shirt, and three males.

Research Areas

Our faculty members are committed to research, often in collaboration with industry and other disciplines, to advance the state of knowledge and practice in our field. With a focus on key areas of critical importance to national competitiveness and productivity, our faculty members have achieved international recognition for their contributions to these areas. Both the curriculum and laboratories are designed to support these research focus areas.

  • Stochastic and Distributed Optimization 
  • Data Science and AI
  • Quality & Reliability Engineering
  • Stochastic systems modeling
  • Autonomous systems
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Decision Making and control
Engineer working on machine


With a focus on key areas of critical importance to national competitiveness and productivity, our faculty members have achieved international recognition for their contributions to these areas. Both the curriculum and laboratories are designed to support research focus areas. 

The graduate faculty in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering is particularly interested in attracting well-qualified candidates to its advanced degree programs. Graduate students engage in cutting-edge research making valuable contributions as respected members of our community.  

An older woman professor with glasses and gray hair points to a computer screen as college student with black hair and a blue shirt controls the computer mouse and looks at the screen.
Two female students wearing black T-shirts standing on either side of a female faculty member wearing a yellow shirt, all wearing protective glasses looking at a computer monitor in a lab.
Professor wearing a dark blue suit and light blue open collared shirt, talks with four students around a round table. The students include on female, sitting to the professors left with long black hair and a white shirt, and three males.
Engineer working on machine
An older woman professor with glasses and gray hair points to a computer screen as college student with black hair and a blue shirt controls the computer mouse and looks at the screen.

Contact the Graduate Office

Associate Professor Zhimin Xi
Graduate Program Director
Phone: 848-445-3657

Laura Kasica
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 848-445-8506 or 3654